A mutation in p75NTR alters axon and myelin morphology in spinal cords of adult mice.  Society for Neuroscience 2006 meeting, Atlanta, GA

abstract: Chen, H.S., LaPorte, J.L., Davis, M.B., and Kuhn, P.L.  Society for Neuroscience Program No. 516.20, online.


The relationship between adult attachment style and cingulate gyrus  morphology.  Society for Neuroscience 2006 meeting, Atlanta, GA

abstract: Light, P.L. and Kuhn, P.L.  Society for Neuroscience Program No. 73.25, online.


An interactive sheep brain dissection and neuroanatomy tutorial on CD-ROM.  Society for Neuroscience 2004 meeting, New Orleans, LA.

abstract: Kuhn, P.L.  Society for Neuroscience Program No. 29.3, online


Changes in spinal cord white matter tissue architecture in p75NTR mutant mice. 

Society for Neuroscience 34th Annual Meeting 2004 San Diego, CA

abstract:  Ohrtman, J.D., Teixeira Waddington, A., Hockenbury, N.G. and Kuhn, P.L.  Program No. 494.12.  2004 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner. Washington, D.C:  Society for Neuroscience, 2004. Online.


Change in depression between depressed and normal ovariectomized rats after estradiol, progesterone, or control administration. Society for Neuroscience 33rd Annual Meeting 2003 New Orleans, LA

abstract:   Beckley, E.H., Day, J.R., and Kuhn, P.L. Program NO. 710.15. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner.  Washington, D.C.: Society for Neuroscience, 2003.  Online.


Reorganization of cortical efferents after cervical spinal cord lesions and delayed application of fetal tissue transplants and neurotrophins. Society for Neuroscience meeting 2002 San Diego, CA.

abstract: Irikov, D.E., Dai, H.N., McAtee, M., Kuhn, P.L. and Bregman, B.S.  Society for Neuroscience  Program No. 770.5, online.


Delayed oligodendrocyte cell death after spinal cord injury in mice. Society for

Neuroscience 31st Annual Meeting 2001 San Diego, CA

abstract:  Kuhn, P.L., Wrathall, J.R., Mocchetti, I., and Bregman, B.S.  Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, Vol 27, Program No. 770.5.


Anatomical reorganization of cortical projections to the red nucleus after chronic

cervical spinal cord lesions.  Ninth International Symposium on Neural Regeneration 2001,

Asilomar, CA

abstract: D.E. Iarikov, Dai, H.N., McAtee, M., Kuhn, P.L. and Bregman, B.S.


GAP-43 re-expression in red nucleus neurons after thoracic spinal cord hemisection, transplantation, and exogenous neurotrophin administration in adult rats.  Society for Neuroscience 28th Annual Meeting, 1998 Los Angeles, CA

abstract: Kuhn, P.L., Cantrall, J.L., Broude, E., and Bregman, B.S. Society for Neuroscience

Abstracts, 24(1): 70.  (1998)


Experimental spinal cord contusion:  Comparison between mouse and rat.

Society for Neuroscience  26th Annual Meeting, 1996  Wash, D.C.

abstract: Kuhn, P.L. and Wrathall, J.R. 

Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 22(3): 1903.  (1996)


Comparison of functional recovery after experimental spinal cord contusion in

normal and Wlds mutant mice.

Neurotrauma Society  14th Annual Symposium, 1996 Wash, D.C.

abstract: Wrathall, J.R., Aden, S., Kuhn, P., Costello, T. and Steward, O.

Journal of  Neurotrauma,  13(10): 605.  (1996)


Experimental spinal cord contusion in the mouse.

Neurotrauma Society 13th Annual Neurotrauma Symposium, 1995  San Diego, CA

abstract: Kuhn, P.L. and Wrathall, J.R.

Journal of Neurotrauma, 12(5): 995.  (1995)


Motor function analysis of normal and transplanted mutant mice using a

rotarod device.

Society for Neuroscience  24th Annual Meeting, 1994  Miami, FL

abstract: Kuhn, P.L., Cantrall, J.L., Petroulakis, E., Norman, J.L., and McKinnon, R.D.

Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 20(2): 1705.  (1994)


Transplantation of an O-2A glial progenitor cell line.

Society for Neuroscience  23rd Annual Meeting, 1993  Wash, D.C.

abstract: Kuhn, P.L., Norman, J.L., and McKinnon, R.D.

Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 19(2):  1318.  (1993)


In vivo transplantation of marked bipotential glial precursor cells. 

National Institutes of Health Poster Day; NIH/ADAMHA Summer Research Program, 1992 

abstract: Kuhn, P.L., and McKinnon, R.D.

NIH Abstracts of Student and Teacher Research in the Biomedical Sciences, 1(2):54.  (1992)



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